欢迎光临高温电阻加热炉厂家 - 洛阳高温电阻炉厂家
公司Q Q: 2817-875916
The products are fabricated by suck-press combined method using polycrystalline alumina fiber as main starting materials, adding packing materials and binders. Compared with calcined fiber products, the products are featured with better machinability, lower thermal conductivity and volume weight. The FHB1800 fiber board and special shaped products can long term serve at 1 700 ℃ and at 1 800 ℃ of the maximum, and have been used in many kilns to substitute imported products, saving energy and cutting cost.
Product specification
产品 Product |
超高温多晶氧化铝复合纤维板 Ultra-hightemperaturepolycrystalline aluminafibercompositeboard |
号 Brands |
FHB1500 |
FHB1600 |
FHB1700 |
FHB1800 |
分类温度,℃ Classificationtemperature |
1500 |
1600 |
1700 |
1800 |
使用温度,℃ Max.servicetemperature |
1500 |
1600 |
1700 |
1800 |
长期使用温度(炉温),℃ Long-termservicetemperature (furnacetemperature),℃
≤1400 |
≤1500 |
≤1600 |
≤1700 |
制品容重,kg.cm-3 Volumeweight |
380-400 |
400 |
400 |
500 |
导热系数w·(m·K)-1,1200℃ Thermalconductivity |
0.15 |
0.15 |
0.155 |
0.16 |
加热线收缩率,% Linearshrinkageonheating |
1400℃ 24h |
≤0.3 |
/ |
/ |
/ |
1500℃ 24h |
<2 |
≤0.3 |
/ |
/ |
1600℃ 24h |
/ |
<2 |
≤0.3 |
/ |
1700℃ 24h |
/ |
/ |
<2 |